Chevrolet Camaro

Owner: Andrew Matheson
Found at: Mornington, Vic. Australia [1 Jan 2017]

I've always considered Camaros the counterpart of Mustangs and for this project I found as many of each brand, so it seems they are equally popular.
The first one I found was at the Geelong Revival.
In these pictures it might seem that Jason is driving in the wrong side of the road, but as you probably know cars in the USA are left-hand vehicles which makes it a bit awkward for Australian roads.
A few years back it was a requirement to have a sticker on the back of these cars indicating: "Caution, Left-Hand Driver"
In any case, cars that are maintained in its original state are always well appreciated.
The second one was early in the year, in fact on New Years Day
That car show alone, was a big boost to the project, becasue I found eight cars from 67, and they were all cars that I grew up with (in comparison with the luxury cars I published a couple of days ago).
This was the first car of the day, and although I already had photographed a Camaro, this one was a different model, I would said more elegant in comparison with the sporty type of the blue one (I now understand why they were named SS).
Andrew is the owner of this one and if you want to know more about this car, please read his comment below.
Besides the pictures I took of this car, Andrew sent me additional pictures that show the state in which the car was found in the USA.
I've always considered Camaros the counterpart of Mustangs and for this project I found as many of each brand, so it seems they are equally popular.
The second one was early in the year, in fact on New Years Day
That car show alone, was a big boost to the project, because I found eight cars from 67, and they were all cars that I grew up with (in comparison with the luxury cars I published a couple of days ago).
This was the first car of the day, and although I already had photographed a Camaro, this one was a different model, I would said more elegant in comparison with the sporty type of the blue one (I now understand why they were named SS).
Andrew is the owner of this one and if you want to know more about this car, please read his comment below.
Besides the pictures I took of this car, Andrew sent me additional pictures that show the state in which the car was found in the USA.
Dedicated to: Eduardo de la Concha